As smart home is more and more popular and and our house can switch off the electricity based on the out of house state, I decided to rework IKEA Oven Controller to be able to set it's clock based on NTP server and to have ability to controll it remotely.
The microcontroller was chosen ESP8266, as it is cheap and effective way to connect device to internet and implement all the desired functions.
LCD used for displaying all the clock and timers information is driven by ST7789 driver and it has resolution of 320x170 points. It's height fits the original window at the front of oven, therefore doesn't disturb the oven''s design too much.
From the personal reasons :-), the weather information is also included, but it can be switched off with help of web interface of the project. At the web page, you can set also LCD brightness, colors at day and night and NTP or servers' parameters as well. Example of time zone string is "CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00".
The old design of the oven display is at following picture:
And what is inside - behind the display frame? At following picture, there are old and new PCBs:
You can see the final PCB and new display design at the following pictures:
The link for LCD (TZT 1.9 Inch IPS Full Angle TFT Display) is leading to AliExpress.
Relay (RFH54005WG) is also possible to get at AliExpress as well. Select 5V variant, please.
As power source you can select two possible options: Meanwell IRM-03-5 or Hi-Link HLK-5M05.
At the following pictures and links, you can see and download all the important documents and supportive files ...
Bill of materials: IKEAOvenController_BOM.pdf
Gerber files for controller:
The firmware (version 1.0, in local czech language): IKEAOvenController.bin
LCD frame stl file for 3D print: IKEAOvenControllerLCDFrame.stl
LCD distance stl file for 3D print: IKEAOvenControllerLCDDistance.stl
I tested the controller successfully, and it works as expected.